Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Logic of Children

One of the best parts of being a mom is the funny things my children say. And so today I am dedicating this post to some of the cute things from the past week or so. I really should write them all down since I forget them so quickly.

I took everyone but Judah to the pediatric dentist on Monday morning for Eden and Tristan to have their check-ups. We did learn some interesting things while there which I will write about soon. We are seriously questioning Eden's age due to her x-rays. Like I said, I will write about that another day since today is all about my children and their cute logic.

In the waiting room of the pediatric dentist is a big playhouse thingy (for lack of a better description). You go inside of it and can climb up into a second floor and look out windows that have plexi-glass over them to prevent children from tumbling out onto the floor below. Eden plastered her face against the window and said loudly, "Mom. Tristan is a boy because he has a penis!" I quickly and vigorously gave her the shhh signal with my finger over my lip and didn't bother to look who had heard since I was a little pink. I am just hoping that most everyone was busy reading their magazines.

Tristan is asking a lot of questions about God lately. Last night he said to me as I was tucking him in bed, "How old is God? Is He thirty?"

And on another night as we walked into the house he said he was sure God would hit his head walking through the door because He is too big.

Shane was reading his children's Bible yesterday which is in story form. After laying on the couch and reading for a while he said, "So far this Bible is pretty good."

While doing his math this week I asked Shane how adding by 7's was so easy for him. He was supposed to look at a number and increase it by 7. He was flying through them and I was kind of baffled. So when I asked how 7's were so easy for him he said, "Because of football. Every touchdown and field goal is 7 more points." Turns out watching football has its benefits.

Judah went to check and see if our neighbor's grandson was at his grandparents so he could come play. He didn't come back for a long time so we went looking for him. (maybe I already told this story) When I found him I said, "What is taking you so long. I was getting worried." He said, "Oh.....I guess I got distracted by the ducks." He saw some ducks and he was following them to try and see where they had a nest.

One morning while waiting at the end of our driveway for the bus to come and get Judah we were both mentioning how we wished the bus would get there soon since we were chilly. He said, "I bet they didn't have buses in the 1200's or the 1900's. " I started laughing and he said, "What? They didn't even have cars 100 years ago."

And that is one of the many reasons I enjoy being the mom of these cute children.

1 comment:

Charity Hildebrand said...

Haha, you're children are too precious! I agree, it's important to record the funny things they say or else we forget. I have been starting to write down the things Colson says too.