Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Additions

I know I have mentioned my friend Charity on here before. I met her through the whole blog sphere. It is weird how you can have a connection with someone you have yet to meet. She lives in Turkey with her husband and children but she is a Pennsylvania girl!! There are a lot of fun details to our story but that isn't what this post is about.

I am over the moon excited for their family today! You see.....a few weeks back they traveled to Ethiopia to meet their newest addition to the family but they were waiting for some final paperwork to actually pass court. She shared pictures of their meeting with me and shared sweet details of his response to them. She shared how hard it was to leave him as he sobbed. Ugh! This adoption journey can just tear your heart out sometimes.

Long story short.....they passed court today!! He is now legally their son! Head over to my blog links on the sidebar and take 4 minutes to watch their introduction video. I dare you not to cry as you watch him meet his momma. But what really gets me is a little over 3 minutes in hearing him say dadda!!

Charity....we are thrilled tonight at our house for you! We are celebrating with you! And now you will be that much closer to coming back to PA to finalize his adoption and that much closer to us getting to meet and hang out in person! Woohoo!!!


Valerie said...

becky, i happened to listen this morning to an absolutely AMAZING story about adoption on NPR's show called "This American Life." It's about a boy who was in an orphanage in Romania until age 7 1/2, then adopted by an American couple. He has a ROUGH time, but his mom just keeps on loving him. The show is not Christian in any way, but it's very hard not to see the amazingness of adoption and an amazing allegory of God's love for us in this story. it made me think of you and your heart for adoption.

Here is a link to listen to it. It left me and several friends (including men) in tears it was so powerful.

Charity Hildebrand said...

Awww, Becky that was so sweet! We cannot WAIT to meet you guys too! I'm so excited!

I love you!

P.S. I definitely owe you an email soon. I'm working on it :)

The Harts said...

The video on Charity's blog was SO sweet! I was tearing up badly. Their son is so adorable and so happy!! Congrats to their family!!