Monday, October 18, 2010

A Bit On Adoption

I know I haven't posted a whole lot lately and have kept it light with antics of sweet, innocent children. Part of the reason is it has taken me far longer to get into a new groove with school this year (due to my poor attitude) and partially because I have had a hard time getting things out of my head without them sounding jumbled.

I have been having many conversations in regards to adoption these days. Conversations that have left me feeling challenged in the most uncomfortable way. Uncomfortable but good. I always get worried when life starts feeling mundane and comfortable. For some reason I feel like the life of Jesus didn't compute as comfortable or mundane to those around him. We label ourselves as Jesus followers yet are so hesitant to step into anything that may label us anything other than the typical, normal American family. Because lets face it - my life looks pretty comfortable to 90% of the world. Seriously....I am ashamed to admit that so often my hesitancy in stepping out into something that looks "crazy" is simply because I do not want to draw attention to myself. I think when someone does something that doesn't fit in with the majority we are much quicker to judge when something doesn't turn out perfectly. Am I right? It is tricky - this balance of walking in obedience to the Father and learning to walk through the pain if things do not turn out the way we envision. Adoption isn't all fun and games. It is tricky. It is life-changing. It is challenging. It is amazing. It is so, so worth it!

Three weeks ago a friend of ours called to say they had found out about a 13 year old girl who had been adopted internationally in July. For different reasons that seem altogether strange to me the adoptive parents were wanting to abrupt the adoption. Such a bizarre situation. I am not at liberty to divulge simply because it is not my story to tell. So our sweet friends who just adopted a beautiful daughter in January spent the weekend travelling to meet this 13 year old girl in hopes that she will be joining their family. They will have gone from 3 to 5 children within 10 months! Her comment to me was, "People are going to think we are crazy!" And I thought to myself, "Why?" Why are we so quick to pass judgement on people who are literally living out the gospel? Is it because it makes us uncomfortable? Suddenly our safe lives feel restrictive. The plan is she will be coming this weekend and more than likely all the paperwork will be signed. Just like that. A little over three weeks ago they didn't know she existed and now she will be joining their family! It inspires me!

I talked with someone else today who is near and dear to me who is embarking on domestic adoption. A whole different ball game! So much need right in our backyard! And I do not say that lightly! I am praying daily for them to hear to the voice of God as they have profiles handed to them to sift through.

And I am waiting to hear from a couple who had a court date today to find out if parental rights would be terminated so the sweet brothers who have invaded their home and lives for nearly a year now can be their sons forever!

There are children everywhere and as a wise young boy said, "It doesn't matter where they are. A kid is a kid!" I watched my children running through the house tonight - back the hall, around the kitchen table, through the living room, deafening shrieks (and I mean deafening), contagious laughter and my heart felt full! our children keep reminding us we have one more open seat at our kitchen table! Who could God possibly have to fill that seat? And that isn't to say we can't get a bigger table. :)

Life often feels overwhelming. But I wonder. What would happen if I really could grasp that this life is fleeting and that everything I do now has eternal impact? Would my life look differently than it does right now? Something I like to think about!


Charity Hildebrand said...

Amen! Loved this post :) I always LOVE hearing your thoughts!

The Harts said...

My heart feels full and I only have one child (so far!!)!! The coolest fact I have heard about adoption is this: In the old testament there were many prophecies about the Son of God coming through the line of David, right? Get this; Joseph was from the line of David - NOT Mary! So you know what? Jesus was ADOPTED into the line of David!! How cool is that?!?!? Love it!