Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Long Days

Today I am not blogging about the trip. Why? I am plum worn out. I got sucker punched with this silly cold/fever/sore throat/hacking cough and it just seems to really like me. For some reason it does not want to leave. Although today is the first day (in 5 days) that my throat feels normal and my coughing isn't quite as bad. The lack of coughing could be the Mucinex I took. My fever seems to have left as well. So......things are looking up. My wonderful mother-in-law came today for 6 1/2 hours! Honestly, I don't know if I could have made it today without her. I'm sure I could have dug deep into some reserve somewhere but wow - I am really glad she was here!! I was able to sleep for a while this afternoon which I'm sure is exactly what this body needed.

Eden is still sleeping like a champ and hasn't seemed to miss a beat. Tristan on the other hand - well the novelty has worn off and reality has set in. He isn't too thrilled with the new reality and is pretty vocal about things. And when I say vocal I don't mean expressing his fears/anxiety/anger by talking things through with me. I mean lots of screaming!!!! Mercy, that child has a set of lungs!! I keep telling myself that when my body is recovered from this dreadful plague and my energy levels are back things will feel a little more manageable. I'll be honest folks. I have had more than one moment of "what exactly were we thinking?!" But then I remember what my Aunt Mim told me during one of my freaking out motherhood moments. Something along the lines of not questioning our decisions based on the emotions of my difficult days. Because lets just all face things - some days really stink in this whole parenting thing. Thankfully for me I can usually see humor in the midst of things and I always thank God for my tribe at the end of the day when I kiss them one last time before tucking myself in. They are all a beautiful blessing from Him and an incredible entrustment!!!!

So lets hear three cheers for the difficult days as well as the days filled with ease. And maybe amongst the cheering you can send up a prayer to my Father that Tristan would feel extra peace and security in his place within this family. By the way, I absolutely adore all of my children and I don't mean to sound as though I am complaining. Just venting a little. You all are my therapy today!!

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