Monday, April 21, 2008

Our Arrival Home

Our total travel time including our 5 hour layover in Frankfurt Germany was going to be somewhere around 30 hours. I was not looking forward to the trip. I felt very nervous about the flights with Eden. Especially since I felt like I was still getting to know her. We boarded our flight to Frankfurt, found out a tire needed changing and were going to be delayed 2-3 hours. Shortly after boarding Eden had her first major blow-out poop so we changed the entire outfit, snuggled in our seats and promptly fell asleep. Neither her nor I woke up during take off. I woke up a few hours into the flight and was very confused. I handed her over to Mark and kept sleeping. Eden slept the entire first leg which was a little over 8 hours. She was then awake for our layover in Frankfurt, slept again almost the entire leg to Philadelphia which was another 8 1/2 hours. She didn't cry one time!! Everyone around us kept commenting on what an amazing traveler she was. We felt so, so blessed!! Our flight was delayed from Philadelphia to State College so we didn't arrive until 9:45. After finding out our flight was delayed I think I had a little mental breakdown. We were so close to our boys yet having to wait an additional two hours seemed very long. We finally boarded our last flight and I let myself cry. I held it in until that point. I had anticipated this moment for so incredibly long! I could hardly wait to see our families that were waiting for us. My mom, brothers, sisters, spouses and most of Eden's new cousins were waiting for us. Marks parents, sisters Grace and Christine and Suzanne and Mo were there as well. Some friends from our life group, our church, friends from Lewisburg, and some other friends from State College were waiting. We landed, Mark took Eden and we started walking for the terminal. I caught a glimpse of everyone through the window and I felt like I could almost collapse. I needed to see our families and friends so much and knowing they had all waited at the airport for that long meant the world to us!! Eden had no idea on that day how much she was loved but she will grow to know and understand how amazing this moment was for all of us! This is some of my nieces and nephews and Judah holding a beautiful banner my sister Beth made as well as flags our boys made!! Can you understand why this sight made me start crying? We walked through the doors and everyone started yelling, "Welcome home Eden". I started frantically looking for my boys and spotted them coming towards me. I felt so complete as I got on my knees and hugged my boys!! Tristan looked so huge to me after holding Eden for a week! I was worried he wouldn't want to see me but he came right to me and didn't hesitate when I picked him up!!
Here are Grace, Mo, Suz and my wonderful friend Barb meeting Eden and telling her how much she is loved! I honestly don't know how people survive without affection! The five days I was without Mark and the week without my boys was really hard for me. I need and love hugs and affection. I was getting an overload here!!!
This is one of my favorite pictures. You want to talk about some of the best hugs you can ever receive - my brother Joe's hugs!! They are all encompassing and ooze love!! Here he is hugging me, kissing Eden while his little angel Avery watches.
Mark and his father as he meets Eden. In the right hand side you can see me coming unglued on my mom's shoulder. Poor woman! I was a crying mess by this point!!
Here I am with the two older boys as they check their new sister out!! Tristan was off and running again!! I love Judah's little smile. He has the most tender smile.
Joe and Miriams little girl Avery was so fascinated by Eden. She sat on the floor next to Eden and was so gentle as she talked to her and touched her. It was priceless!!
Here is Eden sitting on my mom's lap as Avery continues to talk to her. I think this picture is adorable!!!
I think some of the highlights at the airport for me was finding out later that a woman on our flight stopped to just watch this all happen. My sister Beth said this woman just stood their with tears streaming down her cheeks as she watched everyone welcoming us and getting acquainted with Eden. There were also two different young men there who are drivers for a local taxi service. One was from Chad and the other from Senegal. Mark talked with one of the them for a while and he was visibly crying as he watched. They both know the reality of growing up in Africa and they said the same phrase we had heard numerous times before - "she is a lucky one". Luck had nothing to do with bringing her into our lives but we understand the sentiment. The one young man even verbalized that maybe he could do this someday. You could almost see the course of his life being altered!! It was truly amazing! And really what our desire has become through this process. That people would follow their hearts and do their part in helping the broken, innocent and forgotten children of the world!!
We were home, our family was together and we could head home knowing this part of the journey was completed!!


Out Loud said...

there. is. a. huge. lump. in. my. throat. and some tears. i wish we could have been there! what an amazing homecoming!!!!!!

Darren Byler said...

what a beautiful story. better get rid of these tears before i go to work.

Christine said...

i know i was crying that night!! such a beautiful story - and how awesome that it was effecting people who didn't even know you. God is so good!