Tuesday, October 25, 2011


My cousin and I "swimming"! At least that is what I am assuming we were doing. Whatever we were doing I assure you it was his idea and I was an innocent follower. I am quite sure!

The one thing I do not like about growing up and being adults is the distance that comes with time. I don't mean emotional distance but actual miles between us. There is always a connection once you have played in the water in your underwear!! I just miss talking, laughing, singing and listening to him play/sing. So Jenny, this picture is for you. As a window into his silly boyhood days and as a warning for what may be in store for your future!!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I got mentioned on the blog! I love that picture. It truly encaptures Mike's happy, joy-in-the-moment personality!
Mike has often mentioned how much fun he had growing up with you:)