Wednesday, March 23, 2011

More Thoughts on Seasons

I was recently talking with a friend and lamenting the fact that I felt like I had let my first love slip amidst all the demands and busyness of life. That from the time my feet hit the floor in the morning until they find their way back under the covers at night I have things that need to be done. I carelessly threw out the words "this season of my life" without much thought. I have heard that phrase countless times from well meaning people who are trying to encourage but it has had the opposite affect for me. This season that I am in is full of demands on my time. From little people in the night to countless drinks in the day to a husband who is calling needing information on a client to a boy who needs snuggled....those who are moms totally understand the phrase "this season of your life". We all give each other the look, shrug our shoulders, resign ourselves to the fact that we must remain in survival mode in order to get to the next season.

Something has never felt right about those words though. Something in my spirit didn't align with them. Something seemed amiss. Doesn't God promise to meet us daily? Doesn't He say that His grace is sufficient in our weakness? (I know He promises that because it is posted where I see it everyday) Doesn't He say the very reason for this drudgery filled season is actually a REWARD from Him? Are not the little people who lick the windows then smear the slobber actually His blessing to us? Am I not selfish to think of this blessing filled time in my life as a heavy laden burden to be drug around as I try to accomplish something important?

As I lamented to my friend that I miss my First Love and that I desire to fall in love with Him again she spoke amazing words of truth to me that resonated deep in my soul and blew His Spirit straight onto my weary heart! Basically what she spoke to me were these words: "This whole idea of our young children being a difficult season are lies from the enemy and they mess with my head!" I felt like my heart was going to beat right out of my chest!!

Yes! Yes!! Lies! That is why I have been so reluctant to believe them. I can walk in His joy at all times! What does it say in Ecclesiastes? "That everyone may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all his toil - this is the GIFT of God!!"

What? This daily grind could actually be a gift from God? This daily laying down my desires to help train my children could actually be a gift? These little souls God has entrusted to me are actually helping me die to myself daily. These little people that interrupt nearly every conversation, need help on the potty also need their spirits nurtured and nourished. They bring me to my knees everyday! I feel inadequate for the job but that is secondary to His equipping of me in the moment! I can learn to be content whatever the circumstance! (Philippians 4:12)

Now...let me insert a disclaimer here: I am in no way implying that being a wife/mother is ever easy! The demands are great !! The piles of laundry, the eating battles, the refusal to get showers because stinking is suddenly the coolest, the countless spills that make you want to give up on ever having a clean kitchen floor, the muddy fingerprints on the walls, the bikes scattered everywhere, the pee in the pants, the sore feet from stepping on random toys....all very real battles in every home. At least if we were all completely honest we would say that we deal with these scenario's daily. So the demands are great - we can all agree to that.

What I am trying to say that this "season" can be joy filled! It doesn't have to be survived in order to get to the next more fun filled season. Because frankly....every season is difficult. Life is just difficult plain and simple. Hearts are wounded, friendships are rocky, relationships become is a rhythm of joy and sorrow. It is what keeps us desperate for our Father! At least it keeps me desperate for Him.

My challenge today is breath deep in the moment! If you are mother with small children stop looking at your days as days to survive and instead look at your days as treasured moments with little people that God rewarded you with! I will do my best to remember as well. Can't promise I won't loose perspective on a daily basis but I am asking God to remind me quickly of what has eternal value!! The only thing of eternal value in my home in my daily care are my husband and children! All else can just wait!


Amy said...

I hear ya! Thanks for the encouraging blog. I feel so inadequate every day! And I am realizing that my feelings of inadequacy are the point! "His strength is made perfect in my weakness!" "We walk by faith, not by sight." "More of Him and less of me"... all these things mean so much in this "season".

Charity Hildebrand said...

Oh my goodness, thanks so much for sharing this Becky, such powerful words. I needed that reminder :)

Love you!