Friday, October 10, 2008

Big News Alert

Well folks, we are officially coming clean and telling everyone the shocking yet exciting news that we are in fact expecting another baby! To say we were shocked is not an accurate word but then I don't know if there are any words in the English dictionary to describe my initial reaction. Well.....there are some words and I am somewhat dismayed to tell you that I was horrified, overwhelmed, not excited, upset and basically completely distraught. Not really over the new life within but more at what kind of responses we were going to get. My dear friend Krista bore most of the ranting and raving. (thank you Krista) She spoke a lot of truth to me and overall spoke life to me. I felt a huge shift in my heart the day I saw this little person on the ultrasound machine monitor. Look closely and you will see the little legs and arms that didn't have feet or hands yet. You can see the little nose and eyes forming as well. I have never had a 3D ultrasound this early in my pregnancy and I was amazed!!! My heart began to soften and I allowed myself to start seeing this surprise as the blessing He promises it will be. God has been revealing much about the condition of my heart through this (in a good way) which I will share with you when I have a little more time. I am in the midst of baking cookies and repeatedly telling Eden that the mouse and keyboard are not for her.

So for those of you not wanting to do the math on a Friday afternoon we will in fact have five children ages 8,6,2 and 1 at the time of this child's birth - late April. Shortly after though Eden will turn 2 and Tristan will turn 3. Still a lot of little ones at one time but we will roll up our sleeves and keep moving on!!!

One more thing - we cannot thank our immediate family and friends enough for being thoroughly excited for us upon hearing the news this week!! It was like a shot in the arm for me knowing you are excited, that you believe we can handle this and that you embrace another little life that God has created and is right now knitting together!!


Ellen T said...

I just stopped by your blog to hear what new stories you had and see more pictures of the fun family!!!!!!!!!!
This is great and sure I am excited even here in Mexico. Can you hear me yelling and screaming? I love your children so another one must be a good idea! The word I get is balance...hmm...somehow, you will be more balanced with this one. It seems that you will have to add another hitch on the back of the car for kids. But, you will finally have the basketball team and the perfect half a dozen.
Thanks for the picture precious is this life!
The stock market is going down, but the Eveleth family is going up in numbers.

steffany said...

Are you serious?
Oh my gosh!
That's awesome. Congratulations. I'm sure the initial news was shocking, but how amazing is God?!
I'm so excited for you.