Thursday, May 1, 2008

Highlights of our first month and a few extra pictures

We have officially been home one month and a day! This little character has been in our arms now for five weeks. I must admit it seems as though she has been here forever. I can hardly remember what life was like before she arrived. Her personality emerged almost immediately after arriving home. She is like a little light that just meanders around the house. She is super busy and active which is a lot of work now but the high energy matches the rest of the kiddos. I just need to work on getting my high energy back. I am convinced that if I could get uninterrupted sleep for a week that I would have energy to bottle and ship to those of you who would need some extra.
Some of the highlights since we have been home: Eden has gotten three new teeth and hasn't complained once. (Is she for real?) She has gained two pounds in the first three weeks even with giardia. She has slept all night, every night, except for one night. Even though she was cutting teeth, had an ear infection and a parasite. Her hair is growing into an unruly mop of curls that I don't really know how to tame. She has succeeded in making everyone fall in love with her on first time meetings. She hardly ever cries, smiles easily and has a great belly laugh. She has brought a whole new dimension to our family and we are forever grateful that God created her for us!!
We were at my brother Steve and his wife Sharon's home on Sunday with the rest of my family. This was Steve holding Eden for the first time.

Eden and her cousin Riley. This is not the greatest picture of Eden but it shows Riley's black eyes and nose off pretty nicely. She had a little "run in" with a doorway. The dress Eden is wearing is compliments of Steve & Sharon. Riley was anxious to see Eden wearing it so we had to do an almost immediate wardrobe change.
Uncle Mike giving four wheeler rides. Now....before some of you hyperventilate he was driving very slowly and cautiously. If I was taking pictures there was no hysteria involved. Wyatt is walking at the back of the four wheeler hidden by the willow tree. Cassie, Avery, Chase, Levi and Tyler are all riding.
Judah at home having a silly string battle with uncle Lamar. And yes, my children do have drawers full of shirts. As soon as it is relatively warm they think they need to run around in "their tan" as they call it. Fancy way of saying partially naked.
Another silly string picture. Overall we are loving spring - the warmer weather the more consistent sunshine, spending time with family and adjusting to life with four children.

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