Friday, May 16, 2008


Breakfast at our house has settled into a nice routine. The older two boys get the bowls and spoons out and usually get their own cereal. I of course get the younger two their cereal, oatmeal or granola. And Eden has her morning bottle. After everyone has full bellies I then get my breakfast of choice. The picture above is indicative of what happens next. Two little munchkins descend on me as though their very life depends on the nourishment I hold in my hands. This morning they somehow cornered me and I had to surrender by slumping to the floor in defeat. So....the rotation goes something like this: Tristan gets a bite, Eden gets and bite and hopefully I can get a bite before Tristan starts asking for more. When the bottom of the bowl appears there is usually some very vehement protesting even though this is their second round of food within 30 minutes. Now, I must say I am really putting myself out there. Here I am for all the world to see with bed head, puffy eyes and dark circles to boot. Oh well - the kids are pretty cute. And just so you know I am very much aware of the cluttered counters and the few cheerios on the floor. Judah and Shane decided to get in on the photo shoot. Notice that Eden could care less about the camera. Food!!!! I don't know if it is the parasite, actual hunger or if she went without food long enough at some point that her body subconsciously tells her to eat when there is food within reach. I know this is common among children from third world countries. Even the little ones that have no tangible memory. Their body just responds to food because it remembers not having what it needed at some point. I guess we will see how this plays out. For now she loves, loves food!!


Out Loud said...

um, HELLO AWESOME NEW KITCHEN! :) i love it!!! :)

Meredith said...

Hmmm. Isn't the pineapple a symbol of hospitality and welcome? There it is right above your head while you share your food with your chilluns. How appropriate!