Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Litte Update

Someone is beginning to show the signs of being pretty well nourished! Little cheeks are beginning to balloon and the double chin is forming. Rolls on the thighs and a nice dimple at the knee. Oh the sweetness!! She had her 1 month checkup this week and she weighed in at 9 pounds. The doctor is very pleased with how she is growing considering the multiple transitions she experienced within the first few weeks of her life. And other than being in her birth mothers womb she has been with us longer than anyone else now. Feels nice to see her little body get excited upon hearing my voice and watching her turn her head towards me. People keep asking me if she is a good baby and I want to respond that every baby is good. We like to classify our babies based on how content they are and how well they sleep. I will say that as far as babies go she is a rock star!! I have never had a baby that is so content. We hardly ever hear her cry. I think we are finally finishing up all the updates needed for our home study, our lawyer is secured and the documents are signed to get things started, first post-placement visit has happened already and trying not to hyperventilate over the amount of money needed within a few short months. God has already met every single need and I know I can rest in Him!
In between phone calls, meeting with the lawyer and all the everyday chores we have spent as many waking moments as possible outside in this beautiful weather! Tristan was showing off his skill of swinging on the rope swing.
Heidi pleased to find some of the first little blossoms of spring. She is a perpetual dirt ball and loves every moment of her freedom!
A dear friend gave our younger children these really fun bubble blowers when Naomi came home. We have gotten hours of usage out of them already!!!
Eden still asks to hold Naomi many times a day! She is a huge help!
Before bedtime snuggles! Heidi loves being a big sister and takes her job seriously most of the time.
Pretty sure she is loved!
And pretty sure one little girl is just as pleased with her baby as the day she arrived!! I am amazed at the work that God has done in Eden's beautiful little heart through Naomi.
I have had so many people say to me, "I don't know how you do it!" I'll tell you the secret: you just do it!! You wake up and do what God has placed before you to do that day! Some days go smoothly and some days you want to lock everyone in their rooms for an hour. True story! I don't lock them in their rooms for all you concerned individuals. And believe it or not I am not a baby lover. You know the kind: they love babies and would just keep having them. Not me. I know I have a lot of children relatively speaking but would be happy if they all came to me at about the size and development of a 10-12 month old child. I like sleep (haven't really had much in almost 6 years but who is counting), I like being able to curl up with a book for hours, I think I would like knitting for a few hours too. Basically I am saying I am like every other woman. But......having a baby in this way has been delightful! I enjoy every moment of being Naomi's mother!


Jenny said...

Naomi is beautiful! LOVE chubby baby cheeks!!!

Charity Hildebrand said...

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear all is well! Love seeing all those sweet pictures of Naomi!

Kirsten Ambrose said...

Becky, I know I don't know you too too well, but these glimpses into your life are encouraging and beautiful! Thanks for sharing :)

Katie said...

oh my goodness my dear friend! I have not blogged or visited blogs for nearly a year now and look what I have missed in your life!

but I am overjoyed for you and greatly encourged as their is a deep seed in my heart that's starting to sprout for adoption.

Much love to you!