Who could have ever known how fast a year really does go by? When I awoke this morning I couldn't help but think back to last year on this day. A very tired, jet lagged and nervous mom getting ready to meet her daughter for the first time. She had been in my heart for so long and this was the culmination of all our paperwork, prayers and loving her from a distance. Waking up that first morning in Addis is forever etched in my mind. It was beyond beautiful!! Something akin to a paradise behind the gates of our guesthouse. Warm sunshine, fragrant smells, different bird sounds than I had ever heard and the chatter of the women as they worked. I was the only guest until Mark arrived a few days later so I was well taken care of. I remember feeling like it was taking my driver forever to get there. I just wanted to see my baby girl. When the guard opened the gate and we drove out into the city I was amazed. I won't go into detail again since I have before but craziness!!!

The most important part of my day was of course seeing this sweet little face!! She didn't cry which was my biggest fear. She wasn't necessarily comfortable but she wasn't completely apprehensive either. And she soon fell asleep in my arms!

Mark and I were talking this morning before he left for work and we both said, "Who would have ever thought a year ago that this little girl would become so incredibly feisty?" Wow!!! She moves non-stop and would like to run the house. She must think she is equipped already to run the show. It creates quite a bit of stress in her life. Like right now - she wants to type the post for today and is not happy that I declined her offer.
I am in love with my little girl and even though her strong will can be exhausting I marvel at how God hand-picked her for our family. She loves girly things but is equally as happy running around outside getting in the dirt, riding on the four wheeler with her daddy (slowly and carefully of course), chasing the chickens around the yard and tormenting her brothers. Yup!! Perfect for our family! We love you Eden and celebrate this day!!!
wow - not only do our girls look (and act!) so much alike, but our timelines are really very close. Sounds like I left Ethiopia with Elsa the day you met your Eden Joy.
Time must fly...How wonderful!
it has been a year! Wow!
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