Thursday, March 20, 2008

Shane also known as Scooter O'Malley is Shane's turn for his moment of fame! This child has added so much to our family. He is intense, wants to win every battle, loves "fluffy" things, enjoys tormenting Judah, adores his little brother and has loads of confidence. Mark's aunt Naomi summed him all up in one sentence. She said, "Shane has enough confidence for the whole family." She was absolutely correct. This little bugger doesn't know when to back down. He will fight to the end. I love this about him but it can be the source of great frustration between him and I. He goes through seasons where he gets really testy - I thought by the age of 5 that some of that would subside. I guess it has to a degree but he still tries to throw his weight around.

Here is a good scenario for you. This happened a little over a year ago. He was sent to his room for being mouthy and I went up to talk to him. He had locked his door and informed me, and not so kindly may I add, that he was NOT opening the door for me or anybody else. I of course momentarily contemplated trying a tactic displayed on movies - you know the one where they back up and run into the door. And believe me - I was mad enough that I am sure I could have broken through. I may be little but this momma was not happy. He would not open the door (he stayed true to his work) so I had to climb through my bedroom window, walk on the roof to his bedroom window and climb in to reach him. His eyes got huge when he saw me climbing in his room. Lets just say that was the last time he ever locked me out. He now opens the door when I ask.

He also has this fetish for all things soft. He loves pillows, blankets, stuffed animals and anything else that he considers soft. He calls them "fluffies". Almost everyday he has to go into our bedroom, get the pillows off of our bed, gets his pillow, any stuffed animal he can find and brings them all down to the living room and makes a HUGE mound of fluffies to jump and wrestle in. It is so funny!! I is also highly annoying too because our bed is always torn apart and half of his bedroom ends up in the living room - every day! He has completely mangled the pillows on the couch. They don't really resemble pillows anymore. I would like to get some new ones but Mark thinks I should just wait until the pillow fetish resolves. Problem is- this has gone on for over a year. It is just adorable!!

He is our really sensitive guy. Not really sensitive about himself but very aware of other peoples needs and feelings. Except for Judah's feelings. He could basically care less. He is exceedingly patient with Tristan and wanted to share a room with him. He will take Tristan in their room and play for long periods of time. He is also the one when given the opportunity to give some of his money to children at four different orphanages that our church sponsors decided to empty his wallet. Now, it wasn't a huge amount of money - $24. But, it had taken him a long time to earn that money and he was diligently saving until he was ready to spend it. We asked him if he was sure and he said yes. They didn't have enough money to have clean water and that really bothered him. He somehow was able to see the difference between wants and needs. Now...he isn't always this way. Yesterday I took him with me to the grocery store and Target. It seemed as though he wanted everything. But, he has a generous heart and we want to encourage him in anyway we can.

Well, there is so much more I could say about each of the boys. As time goes on you will learn to know them better as I share simple day to day stories. Right now, Shane is sitting on his pile of fluffies out in the living room. I must go kiss his little cheeks. Until next time.....

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