Monday, January 30, 2012

Grocery Store Conversations

While some of you will find this humorous I am simply writing this out so I can remember this grocery shopping trip forever! The vast range of topics while shopping with a little girl is quite astounding! And the energy with which she shops is also astounding!

I don't even know if I would classify Eden's chatter as a conversation as it was pretty much one sided. I may or may not have caught a glimpse of what Mark must feel like on any given day. Lots of chatter and equally as many topics! It went something like this:

Eden: "I think Hannah is going to look so cute when she gets married. Do you think I will go to the wedding?"
Me: "Of course! We will all go to the wedding to see Aunt Hannah get married."
Eden: "Someday a big boy will want to marry me and give me a ring. Where do you think I will live when I get married? And then I will have a baby. Where do you think I will live when I have a baby?" The questions kept coming in rapid succession and I have forgotten them unfortunately.

We saw a beautiful African American woman at the store who was really done up nice! Eden kept looking at her when we would pass her and I wondered what she was thinking. Didn't have to wait too long.

Eden: "I like how she shakes her butt when she walks."
Me: "Huh?"
Eden: "Well her butt is pretty big and when she walks it shakes!" Complete with hand motions showing me just how large she thought her backside was. I really tried to avoid her in the remaining aisles in hopes that Eden would keep her opinions quiet. Although it was all I could do to not laugh out loud.

Eden: "That guy is really old. He can't even stand up straight." Lord have mercy and just get me out of the store already.

Eden: "God created everything! And He lives in our hearts, right? Jesus is God's Son, right? And Jesus is also a present for us, right?"

Eden: "I can't wait to go to Hannah's wedding! I will give her a hug there. "

And then she came home and informed her brothers that they would be going to Aunt Hannah's wedding. And so we talked about weddings again for a very long time. She has been to one wedding and it left a huge impression on her. Watching her Aunt Hannah get married will be a huge deal to her!

I know I am forgetting a lot of things but the main thing to her was Aunt Hannah's wedding! Which is quite a while from now so I am sure we are going to rapidly reach the point where it is no longer that endearing to talk about wedding stuff! We also stopped at the doctor for him to recheck her. Her lungs sound crystal clear and her ears are good! Pneumonia and infections are gone! Woohoo!!


Andrea said...


Mim said...

I'm glad you're writing things down. It will so much fun to look back on later. She is so funny!

Amanda said...

That is hilarious and sweet at the same time! I so enjoyed reading. Thanks. These writings are priceless. I should do more of them.