Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cutie Pie

Still not a whole lot new on the home front! I am still feeling incredibly lethargic. I have a check-up tomorrow and a round of blood work so if I would happen to be dealing with some low iron levels I'm sure it will show up. More likely it is from having my sleep interrupted at night and just hitting that stage of my pregnancy. Trying to stay upbeat though. Mark told me last night that he may tuck me in bed the same time we put the boys to bed.

Eden is hitting that stage of her childhood were you can tend to not enjoy them quite as much. You know......being a sassy pants, telling me no about everything, screaming and throwing herself on the floor when she doesn't get the response she wants....typical kid stuff. But it is just one fit after the next!! I am hoping that she works through this relatively quickly because I am finding myself feeling a little guilty. I worry more about her than I ever did the boys. I sometimes am afraid that she doesn't feel loved because of how much discipline she is receiving. And it isn't horrible discipline - sitting in her time-out, getting a snap on the leg, etc. She just doesn't like being told no but who does, right?

Last week when Mark's mom was leaving the two little ones found a hat that she had in her bag and had to take turns trying them on. Well.....Eden didn't want to share but.... Here is Tristan trying out the new look. I'm not sure how he will feel about this someday. At least it wasn't pink!
Like I said recently, Eden loves any hat and wants to wear them as soon as she happens upon one. Here she is after putting it on her head. She seems a little unsure of the fur.
This is her reaction when she is told she needs to give Tristan a turn.
And here she is after getting the hat back. Notice the little tears in both of her eyes? Pretty dramatic!! And now she is in the office with me taking her pants off yet again. She would live in her diaper and a shirt! I thought we would get past this since she is a girl. But apparently the desire to run around partially clothed or not clothed at all supersedes gender. It must be instinct!! If you happen to stop by unannounced you may think we are trying to train our children to be nudist - or at least partial nudist. That is not the case at all. Just letting them revel in their innocence!!

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