Saturday, July 19, 2008


We have had a recent terrifying influx of bats at our house. Or I should say in our house. Completely horrifying!!! Wednesday night during the night Mark woke me up asking if I had heard any noise. I was wonderfully oblivious to any noise so I just kept sleeping. Shortly after Mark turned on our bedroom light exclaiming that we in fact had a bat in our room. For some reason I didn't really care. I just put the blanket over my head and kept sleeping. I was tired enough that I figured something as trivial as a bat wouldn't steal my sleep. The next morning though I was completely on edge anytime I opened a closet door. I was on guard but secretly hoped the bat had flown out our bedroom window that we so graciously opened for it.

Thursday I found the bat hanging on a screen downstairs. So....I just closed the window and called Mark to tell him I would allow him to deal with the bat when he got home from work. By the time Mark got home the bat was already dead. It seems the bat picked the wrong window to hang in. It received full sun all afternoon and there was no place to escape the heat. Thursday evening I was sitting on the couch and sure enough - another bat. A few screams later and Judah was out of bed and in on the action with Mark. Total dead bats on Thursday night - 3. By now Mark was getting very good at hitting them with a tennis racket.

Friday night rolls around. We couldn't figure out where they were entering the house. We thought maybe an air conditioning unit that was in our upstairs hallway. So we made sure every crevice was secure. We had some friends over last night and when we came in the house to put the boys to bed there was another bat!!!! I of course being the brave host and everything hit the floor in the kitchen and cowered in the corner. Mark went and got the trusty tennis racket and got back to work. We did figure out their point of entry though - they are coming down the chimney and into our wood furnace in the basement. We figured this out when we opened the basement door and there were two bats flying around at the top of the basement stairs. Total bats killed last night - 5. One of the bats never made it out of the furnace. First order of business today was ordering a cap for the chimney. Enough of this craziness! I just wish you all could have seen how excited Tristan was. I don't know that I have ever seen him so excited about anything. He laughed, he screamed, he ran after the bats, he giggled, he shrieked!! I got the video camera out to film him but Judah whacked that bat and it landed in my kitchen sink!!! I cannot even believe I am divulging this to the world. It seems really dirty or gross that we had bats in our house. Oh well - we had a lot of excitement over the past few days. Hopefully we are finished with the bats but I guess we will find out tonight. By the way, I just did a spell check and I had zero misspellings in this post!! Just thought you should know.

1 comment:

Eric H said...

That is awesome! I'm so jealous! I wish I could have been there to see Tristan getting all excited. I would never think your house is dirty because of bats, just a bit... remote. Sweet!!