Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blasted Sickness

I find that having multiple sick kiddos at the same time does a number on my energy levels. Having nights on end of little sleep puts a damper on the little bit of creativity I like to think I have. Dragging in all areas right now! I won't bore you with all the details but in the past two weeks we have been visited by fevers, croup, coughing to the point of vomiting during the night (especially fun), multiple doctor visits, an infected gland that was freakishly large....and there could possibly be more that my tired brain is not able to remember. Fortunately Mark and I have come through unscathed except for the hours of sleep that I need to regain somehow.

And tomorrow will find as back at the doctor again for Heidi's well check. She abhors the doctor so that will be enjoyable. We can never get an accurate weight because she is bailing off the scale, she screams the entire time we are near anything that looks like an exam room - overall panic on her part! Good thing that starbucks is giving away a free cup of coffee tomorrow if you bring in a reusable container because I am going to need some extra help.

Thankful for friends who care about me in the midst of caring for my children. To many seasoned mothers of multiple children these days of exhaustion are a distant memory so I almost hesitate to beat this dead horse. For whatever reason I have always operated best on between 8-9 hours of sleep so I am constantly aware of my need for His strength! I really can't do everything that needs to get done without His help. And sometimes in the middle of the day I sense I need His rest. So the children play quietly (or not) while I rest on the couch and catch a few winks of sleep. And last week one day my dear friend texted me first thing in the morning to tell me she would be bringing our family dinner. Just because! I haven't felt so loved in such a long time! Having a friend who can sense the weariness and who responds by serving us! It was splendid just spending the afternoon snuggling, playing games with the kids and not once worrying about having to work on dinner!

As far as I can tell we are on the mend at this house. I will have to regale you with the tales of a poopy butt print on the shower curtain another day! For now children are needing snacks which is a sure sign things are looking up - appetites are returning!!


Shar said...

oh becky! how similar our paths are! we are now on day 16, and i'm finding myself closer to official insanity than ever before. fevers, croup,tummy troubles, and a virus that no one can do anything about so we wait it out. don't know if you have read my blog lately, trying to keep perspective knowing it could be so much worse but find it hard particularly today. i just want to go. away. for. a. long. time. all. by. myself. (is that bad?) thinking of you and yours...and praying for sleep!

adalong said...

So sorry, Becky! Hopefully things are looking up by now!
Strength to you!