Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Where I've Been....

Summer has been moving at a frantic pace!  Something I am not especially happy about since school will be here again far too soon for my liking.  Our days are spent working on our little property with me continuing to dream of moving more in a homesteading direction.  I am sure I romanticize the concept in my mind but it doesn't keep me from dreaming and planning.
 I make my rounds in the morning to check on my garden and see what has changed from my evening rounds.  Of course nothing changes but it is therapeutic all the same.
 We have been eating an abundance of fresh green beans!  Not sure there are many things that taste better than green beans with a bit of brown butter on them!  Yum!
 At the far end of the "big" garden the boys have their pumpkin patch!  So far this year things seem to be growing well.  They have 35 mounds of seeds planted and are hoping to make lots of money this year.
 Our newest addition - Mittens!  This was the last part of Eden's birthday present and everyone is enjoying the playfulness that a kitten brings. 
 Hot, hot days made more bearable by splashing in water.

 All three girls crowding me out of bed early in the morning.  Can't say that I mind too much!  The days of snuggling little ones in bed will be over before I know it.
 Reading books together while I start the bedtime routine with some of the girls.  It always makes my heart happy to see that they can be in close proximity without fighting.
 Judah took the next 2 pictures of the butterfly.  He is entering a contest for national geographic and took my camera outside to see what he could capture.  This was his first time with the camera in hand. When I downloaded the pictures I was stunned!  These are just 2 of many that were beautiful!  We may have a photographer on our hands!

 This is what happens when Heidi is unattended in the bathroom for 5 minutes!  She rounds up all sorts of toys and takes them "swimming."  And when she is being slightly reprimanded (because really she didn't hurt anything it was just an inconvenience to me).....
 ......she responds by trying to make me laugh!
Eden loving her baby!!  She is so sweet and helpful with her although she has a hard time being gentle. 

Our disappointment of the week was waking up Monday morning to find that some dumb animal had found our meat birds and helped themselves.  Out of our 10 meat birds that we were raising to butcher there is only one left.  So sad.  I was more mad than anything!  Even though ultimately they would have met their demise in another month it was so disappointing.  A new order for chicks will be placed today or tomorrow and we will start over.  A trap has been set and hopefully the guilty culprit will return and will be caught.  Lessons learned, better fencing will be bought and hopefully we will have some yummy chickens in our freezer soon! 

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Becky, your gardens are amazing!! I just have one raised vegetable bed, and that is plenty of work. I am so impressed by all your veggies! The flowers are also lovely. What an overall wonderful little outdoor sanctuary you have!