Thursday, April 16, 2009


Miss Heidi Grace Eveleth...born on Wednesday April 15, 2009 weighing in at 6 lbs 12 1/2 ozs and measuring 21 1/2 inches long. To say she is perfect and beautiful is basically an understatement. To say I am captured and in love is not an understatement. Her daddy is a goner and is mesmerized! Last evening when it was just me, him and Heidi he said, "It gets better every time!" And I agree! I think you begin to realize just how fast time goes by and how precious these moments are when they are little.
Here we are checking her out. She is so tiny!! My smallest baby up to this point had been 7 lbs 9 ozs so this is a treat having a little peanut!
Mark brought the kiddos in last evening to meet their new little sister. It was a chaotic mess and didn't last too long. Tristan had gotten up too early yesterday, didn't have a nap, promptly cried hysterically upon entering the room, settled down for a few minutes and then started crying again.
Little Miss Eden has claimed Heidi as her baby and was being pretty bossy about who was holding her. She told Judah to hold her and got down off the bed to monitor him. I was pretty sure before Heidi's arrival but I am positive now that I will really have to watch Eden. She was very cute but not gentle. She sat next to me on the bed, reached over and informed me that she would hold Heidi. she is giving it a try.
Judah and Shane were attentive and sweet to me and Heidi both. I am anxious to get home to them and assure them of my love. They did so well in here holding her and touching her. They thought she looked a little bit like an old man. Which technically with her scrunched up face I can see their point. Just the cutest old man ever!!
I will give more details over the next little while. Everything went beautifully, I had time for pain medication this time (heavenly!) and other than feeling tired I feel great! So....while I have a quiet moment I am going to catch some sleep and snuggle my little girl.
Oh..and I have decided pretty quickly that God new exactly what He was doing when He surprised us with this little life! She is precious and a welcome addition to the sweet children we already have.


Anonymous said...

WOW - congratulations and welcome Heidi Grace!!!

steffany said...

Oh my gosh!!!!
She is beautiful.

Ellen T said...

you are just too funny! i can't believe you have already posted comments and pictures...but, i do appreciate them!! see you soon. and, glad it all went so well.

Meredith said...

What heart warming photos! Bless you as you incorporate Heidi and her Outside-the-womb needs into your daily schedule!~Edith

Koelle said...

Congratulations to all of you! She's beautiful!